
Friday, March 5, 2010

One more checked off my list...

So, I've always wanted to try blogging, but truth be told, I've never felt the need to take the time to do it. My ongoing excuse, also used for not completing many other things on my "bucket list", or any other list for that matter, was simply this..."I don't have the time". That has been my justification for too long and, quite frankly, it's lame. I have the time now and I've decided that regardless of what happens in the future, I will make the time. I'm refreshing my outlook and slowing down enough to "stop and smell the roses", something that's never really been my strong suit. Looking back, I realize that I've been so consumed with everything I though I was 'supposed to be doing' that I forgot there even were roses (or anything else for that matter) worth acknowledging. Not that being busy is a bad thing, actually quite the contrary. We weren't put on this earth to be wasted space- we're supposed to live, not just simply exist.

I've always believed that the busier you are, the more full your life can be- and I'm not talking about a full schedule, but full purpose. The busier you are, the more you must be involved in...therefore the more people you impact, the more things you contribute to and the more you experience in life. While I still don't disagree with this, I don't agree with it as strongly anymore. True, being involved will allow you to impact others and contribute to various organizations, and it can lead you to experience quantity, but not necessarily quality. In fact, having a plate that is too full can actually prevent you from experiencing certain things to the fullest. Come to think of it, a plate of food is a decent analogy...a plate too full means something goes unconsumed, but a plate not full enough leaves us unsatisfied.

So where does that leave me on the spectrum? Well, I'm still figuring it out; trying to find that perfect balance. I wonder, do we ever achieve that perfect balance? Not to say that we surge through life in a drastically uneven stance, but are we really ever at that point of epitomized equilibrium? I think not...but we're always trying to obtain it... it's that constant struggle between the "almost exact"moments and "totally lopsided" ones. And regardless of where in between those two extremes our moments fall...I guess it's reassuring to know that life isn't perfect, it's not supposed to be, and that's what makes it worth living!